Forty one Interactors and their sponsors responded to the call from the District Governor to string 1,000 origami cranes. At the start of her Rotary year, District Governor Monica challenged every Rotary club to fold 20 cranes as part of her wish to bring mental health awareness to our communities as part of our RI President’s goal for Mental Health. 
About a month ago all the rotary clubs finished folding the cranes so it was time to string them so DG Monica asked the District Interactors to help by stringing the cranes for display. So on Saturday, April 6, 2024, 41 Interactor from eight Interact clubs reported to the Winston School San Antonio Dining Hall and proceeded to do just that. The DG had allotted four hours for for the task, however, the young men and women worked diligently and completed the project in just two hours. DG Monica became ecstatic when to learn that her project had been completed in such a short time. Congratulations to the hard-working Interactors and their sponsors for their hard work and determination!