Canva Brand Kit & Templates


How to create/set-up Brand Hub: (must have a pro account for this option)

- Click Brand Hub (Found on the home page underneath templates)

- Click Add New

Add Logos:

Upload all color versions of Rotary logos (both regular & simplified) and all color versions of Club logo (both regular & simplified)

For Districts:

Upload all color versions of District logo (both regular & simplified), Rotaract, Interact, and Polio Plus


Add Color Palette: 


Upload Rotary Fonts:

Frutiger LT Light, Frutiger LT Roman, Frutiger LT Bold Condensed*


Access District Rotary Branded Canva Template(s)

If you're here, you already know the magic of Canva – and we're excited to share these Rotary branded templates to help you promote your Club events and members! Introducing our exclusive series of design templates tailored just for you.  More designs coming soon! Contributors for the designs: Pam Blankenzee, Sandy Cordell, Amber Scarborough, Josh Reeley, Tina Davis and Janine Pring. 
Guest Speaker  - 3 options                                                   Rotary Birthday - 3 options
Member Spotlight - 3 options                                              Christmas Card - 4 options

People of Action - 10 options                                              Pints for Polio V1
Rotary Power Point                                                             Membership Rack Card