Posted on Oct 02, 2018
The International Rotary project to memorialize the Great Western Cattle Trail began in 2006.   It was featured as the Cover Article of the “Rotarian Magazine” in the December, 2017 issue.   Now, on October 8, 2018, Monday, Columbus Day,  one of those posts will be rededicated
and accompanied by new signage at the Witte Museum in San Antonio, TX.  It will be a “Drovers Reunion.”  The celebration begins at 10:00 AM in the courtyard in front of the old Trail Drivers Museum, which faces onto Broadway Street.    Speakers will include the PRIP Ray Klingsmith, the Senior Editor of the “Rotarian Magazine,” several Drovers who participated in the original project, descendants of the original Drovers, a flag ceremony with 14 flags representing the States and Countries that participated, and even 2 long horn steers ready for photographs.  At least 12 Past District Governors from Trail Districts are attending.   The whole event will last about 2 hours, with more speakers, ceremonies to replant the Post, and general celebration is planned for this very unique Rotary International project.   Members from Rotary District 5840 are invited to attend.