Nurturing Hope -San Antonio is a partnership initiated by The Rotary Club of San Antonio in collaboration with 3 major universities - Alamo Colleges, UTSA and Trinity University together with the H.E. Butt Foundation. This city wide engagement is consistent with the type of coalition advocated in 5840's strategic plan
Once we have completed our pilot year, the team plans to engage with other universities in our region who have indicated an interest.
In 2022, our Rotary Club provided scholarships to 8 students to attend as Peace Conference at Corrymeela ( a world renowned institution) in Northern Ireland. In 2024 another group of 27 ( Rotarians and university representatives) including 15 students attended Corrymeela. Our local universities were so impressed they decided to incorporate the Corrymeela opportunity into a Civil Discourse initiative on the college campus.
The Rotary Club of San Antonio is recognized as being responsible for initiating this program. On December 17 a reception will be hosted by the Nurturing Hope Partnership at the San Antonio CC. It is hoped that members of 5840 will attend to learn more about this exciting project.
On another note:
JC Clapsaddle, a distinguished member of the San Antonio Rotary is currently in Ukraine participating on a Rotary sponsored humanitarian mission which is delivering ambulances and medical supplies to this war torn country. This Rotary group has already delivered $30 million of medical supplies to Ukraine.