Posted by Regional Foundation Coordinator Rich Kaye
Several of you have asked about what Rotary is doing in support of the humanitarian crises brewing in Eastern Europe.  Here’s what’s been released so far:
  • Rotary is in contact with the United Nations High Commission on Refugees – USA to prepare and respond to the needs of those being displaced in Ukraine and to neighboring countries.
  • ShelterBox, our project partner for disaster response, is in communication with Rotary members in Eastern Europe to explore how it may offer support with temporary transitional housing and other essential supplies. 
Additional thoughts and ideas for personal or club assistance to Ukraine:
  • RI Director Katerina is working on a plan with John hewko  for relief efforts. 
  • The DG and PDGs in Ukraine have also suggested donations for immediate relief under a gofundme page headed up by a Rotarian in California. All collected funds will be managed by Rotary Ukraine to youth and their families affected by the military aggression.
As more information becomes available, I’ll let you know how members can provide humanitarian relief to the people of Ukraine.