February 2024 Edition
News From Around District 5840
DG Monica Gutierrez's February Message
We begin the new calendar year with an opportunity to reflect on the last 6 months of the Rotary year and adjust as needed so we can continue to #CreateHopeInTheWorld. We look at what is working, what is not working, and what we can improve with the intent of making our Clubs vibrant.
District Leadership Spotlight - International Service Chair Gloria Wilson
What was your most memorable Rotary service project? There have been so many wonderful projects it's hard to just choose one. The two that stand out the most are playground equipment for special needs children at Rotary Park and our Splash Pad.
Rotary 2024-2025 Theme Revealed
Ignite Your Rotary Club's Public Image: Play Rotary Rockstar Challenge
Public image is the key to creating a lasting impact and attracting both members and community support. The Rotary Rockstar Challenge have been meticulously designed to empower Rotary Clubs to master the art of self-promotion through five engaging tasks. 
Club Membership Workshop - Feb 27th
There will be a Club Membership Chair Workshop on Tuesday, February 27th to discuss "all things" regarding club membership:  Recruitment, Retention, Alumni, Rotaract, New Clubs (Rotary, Rotaract & Impact) and the District Membership Olympics!
Celebrate International Women's Day with Rotary!
This International Women's Day, March 8, 2024 let's come together to celebrate the incredible strength, resilience, and achievements of women worldwide! We invite all Rotarian women to participate in our special campaign by sharing a photo of themselves proudly wearing their Rotary shirts. Let's showcase the power and unity of women within the Rotary family!
Membership Recognition Luncheon
Join fellow Rotarians celebrating 20 or more years of active membership this 2023-2024 Rotary year at a special luncheon on March 25, 2024 11:30AM to 1:30PM at the Witte Museum - Dawson Family Hall, 3801 Broadway, San Antonio. Cost is $35. Click to Register.
San Marcos Hosts Casino Night Fundraiser March 1
The Rotary Club of San Marcos is sponsoring its annual Casino Night fundraiser on Friday, March 1, from 7-10 p.m. The event will be held at the Commemorative Airforce Museum at the San Marcos Airport. The Museum houses numerous flyable WWII aircraft and large museum.
Second Annual Health & Wellness Expo
The Beeville Rotary Club held the Second Annual Health & Wellness Fair on Friday, January 5th.  The well-received event was free and open to the public.
Santa's Workshop 
The Rotary Club of New Braunfels recently held their second annual Making Spirits Bright holiday program, a community service project for underprivileged families living in New Braunfels.
Rotary Partnership with BISD
Members from the Rotary Club of Boerne and the Boerne Sunrise Rotary Club made a presentation to the Boerne Independent School District Board (BISD) meeting on January 22, 2024. The presentation focused on the impact that Rotary has made in Boerne Schools and the community.
Cleaning Highways Despite Artic Temperatures
Frigid morning temperatures didn't stop the FOR Rotary Club from supporting the Fair Oaks Ranch Home Owners Association with a quarterly clean up of the highway and office area. A true "can do' attitude that we are known for!
Beeville Rotary Clean-Up

Despite the cool and windy weather, several Beeville Rotary Club volunteers cleaned up trash along a heavily trafficked road in Beeville on Saturday morning, January 27th. Each time this service project is fun and worthwhile. 

February Membership Minute
What is your club doing to make February Special??? 1.  How about challenging every member to bring a guest this month and then put those member's names in a drawing for a gift card or other prize?
Sock it 2 Us! 
Borrowing on their earlier success, the Rotary Club of Fair Oaks Ranch donated bags of socks for the homeless. In December, the club gave 791 pairs of socks.
Rotarians at Work at 49'ers Game 
In early January, I travelled to Northern California to visit my family and my brother surprised my nephews to see their favorite team, the San Francisco 49ers! While purchasing a couple of adult beverages, the Rotarians working the concession stand from Rotary Club of Cupertino recognized my Rotary Club of San Antonio hat and soon we were all friends! This was a service project for the club but raises revenue, as well. 
Origami Connections: A Tale of Peace, Compassion, and Rotary Spirit
In the vibrant landscape of Rotary Club of Alamo Ranch’s activities, a heartwarming story unfolds, weaving together the worlds of technology and tradition, empathy, and action. Meet Richard Sullivan, a recent graduate of Texas State University and Software Engineer at Def-Logix, Inc., whose journey with the Rotary Club of Alamo Ranch showcases the profound impact one individual can make through a simple yet profound gesture. 
Upcoming Events
February Theme Peacebuilding & Conflict Resolution
Feb. 01, 2024 – Feb. 29, 2024
District All-Hands Townhall Meeting
Zoom Meeting
Feb. 05, 2024
6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
San Antonio Pearl's Golf Tournament
Brackenridge Park Golf Course
Feb. 10, 2024 1:30 p.m.
Seguin Sunrise's Wild West Casino Night
The Big Red Barn
Feb. 10, 2024
6:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Fredericksburg's Cupid Bow Bash
St. Mary's Holy Family Center
Feb. 12, 2024
Council of Governors Meeting
North Park Lexus at Dominion
Feb. 17, 2024
9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
View entire list
San Antonio South
San Antonio
San Antonio Northeast
New Braunfels
Rotary News

Chance encounters at the Rotary International Convention often lead to meaningful projects.


The Rotary Club of Global Partners in Peace meets online twice a month to discuss some of the world’s most challenging issues.


UN environment body looks to Rotary’s reach to protect freshwater ecosystems.

Submit your stories and events for the newsletter and social media!
Contact Pam Blankenzee
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