District 5840 Harassment Policy
RI District 5840 is committed to maintaining an environment that is free of any form of harassment. District 5840, like Rotary International, maintains a zero-tolerance policy on sexual harassment or any form of harassment.
Harassment is broadly defined as any conduct, verbal or physical, that denigrates, insults or offends a person or group based on any characteristic (age, ethnicity, race, color, abilities, religion, socioeconomic status, culture, sex, sexual orientations, or gender identity).
We aim to create an environment where all members, regardless of gender or identity, are able to be a part of Rotary free from any unwelcome sexual attention that is offensive, humiliating or intimidating. Sexual harassment may involve adults and children. Anyone, regardless of gender, can be sexually harassed.
Rotary's Code of Policies specifically spells out:
Harassment-free Environment at Meetings, Events, or Activities Rotary is committed to maintaining an environment that is free of harassment. Harassment is broadly defined as any conduct, verbal or physical, that denigrates, insults or offends a person or group based on any characteristic (age, ethnicity, race, color, abilities, religion, socioeconomic status, culture, sex, sexual orientations, or gender identity). All members and individuals attending or participating in Rotary meetings, events or activities should expect an environment free of harassment and shall help maintain an environment that promotes safety, courtesy, dignity, and respect to all.
Adults who work with youth are subject to policies outlined in Rotary Code of Policies section 2.120. All allegations of criminal activity should be referred to appropriate local law enforcement authorities. The club board, district, or zone leadership shall promptly address allegations of harassment and shall not retaliate against those making the allegation. At the club level, allegations of harassment at Rotary events or activities shall be reviewed by the club board and responded to within a reasonable timeframe, typically one month. If the alleged offender is a member of the club board, he or she is expected to recuse himself or herself from the discussion. The review and/or investigation shall be dependent on the circumstances including the severity and pervasiveness of the behavior. Concerns that allegations of harassment were not adequately addressed by the club, may be referred with appropriate documentation to the district governor. At the district level, allegations of harassment at Rotary events or activities shall be reviewed by the governor, or a committee appointed by the governor for this purpose, and responded to within a reasonable time-frame, typically one month. If the district governor is the alleged offender, the immediate past district governor (or most recent past governor), directly or by appointment of a committee for this purpose, shall review and respond to the allegation. The general secretary shall be informed within two weeks of any allegations of harassment by district governors, governorselect, and governors-nominee. The review and/or investigation shall be dependent on the circumstances including the severity and pervasiveness of the behavior.
Concerns that allegations Rotary Code of Policies 5 August 2021 Revisions from May, June, July 2021 Board Meetings of harassment were not adequately addressed by the district, may be referred with appropriate documentation to the RI director. District leaders, including governors, assistant governors, and committee chairs are encouraged to work with their clubs to create a harassment-free environment. District leaders should also work with their clubs to establish a code of conduct and policies for how to address and prevent harassment within their clubs, among their membership and with other participants in Rotary.
As a Rotarian, I will:
- Act with integrity and high ethical standards in my personal and professional life
- Deal fairly with others and treat them and their occupations with respect
- Use my professional skills through Rotary to mentor young people, help those with special needs, and improve people’s quality of life in my community and in the world
- Avoid behavior that reflects adversely on Rotary or other Rotarians