District Grants

District grants offer clubs and districts flexibility in carrying out activities supporting the Foundation Mission. Districts are encouraged to distribute these grant funds for relatively short-term activities, either local or international. 
Districts can request up to 50% of their District Designated Fund (DDF) in one annual block grant that will, in turn, fund club service projects. Clubs apply for funds online through the district website’s Grants portal and all applications are due by 31 July.  In August, applications are reviewed at District and The Rotary Foundation (TRF) levels, then TRF authorizes the final project list and mails a check to D5840 for distribution.  The award from the DDF is between $250 and $2,500 per grant application (on a matching basis), and a club can submit no more than five District grant applications.


Qualification of Clubs




Identification of Service Project


  • Can be inside or outside of District 5840
  • Can fund youth programs such as Rotaract and Interact, construction, travel for staff of cooperating organizations, scholar orientation seminars, grant management seminars, and activities primarily implemented by an organization other than Rotary
Read: On myrotary.org, read about district grants


Completion of Online District Grant Application


  • Submission deadline is July 31st. 
  • Must meet all terms and conditions listed in the MOU documents and the Terms and Conditions
  • When using the Online Grant Application Site, it is a two step process:
    • First step is to submit summary project request including the grant amount you are requesting
    • Once that step is approved via an email approval receipt, the second step is to begin the online actual grant application, including general description, community assessment and impact, sustainability, implementation plan, expected expenses, expected income, local club partners, and cooperating organizations
Go To: Online District Grant Application, on ClubRunner, through the member area on rotary5840.org


Making Final Report


  • Must complete and submit online a final report to the District upon expenditure of grant funds
  • District Grants receipts and reports must be submitted electronically no later than 60 days after final expenditure or 12 months after receipt of the District funds, whichever comes first
  • See the District Grants Module Overview slides (on side menu) 
Go To: Online District Grant Application, on ClubRunner, through the member area on rotary5840.org