

EarlyAct is a school-wide service club for elementary students from ages 5 to 13 sponsored by Rotary Clubs and chartered by the district. The mission of EarlyAct is to promote goodwill, understanding, and peace through active participation of student members so that with committed citizenship and effective leadership they improve the quality of life for their school, local and global communities.
EarlyAct is based upon the Rotary 4-Way Test and further, EarlyAct teaches…Caring, Respect, Empathy, Responsibility, Tolerance, Citizenship, Compassion, Friendship and Leadership. EarlyAct engages student members in character-building activities and prepares them for leadership roles to identify and carry out projects which benefit their school, local and global communities. Through its association with Rotary, EarlyActors gain increased awareness and knowledge of their community and the world and understanding of the dignity and worth of each individual which builds respect for others. EarlyAct provides the foundation and natural succession into Interact.

EarlyAct Clubs in District 5840

Aue Elementary
San Antonio, Texas
Sponsoring Club: RC of San Antonio at the Dominion
Faculty Adviser:  Heidi Neuenfeldt
Faculty Adviser: Jodie Russell
Rotarian Adviser: Darcee Grivel
Fabra Elementary
Sponsoring Club: RC of Boerne Sunrise
Rotarian Advisor: Richard Sena
Fair Oaks Elementary
Sponsoring Club: RC Fair Oaks Ranch
Rotarian Advisor: Jaime C. Sepulveda,
Faculty Advisors: Gloria Salas & Kathleen Smith &
Leon Springs Elementary
San Antonio, Texas
Sponsoring Club: RC of San Antonio at the Dominion
Faculty Adviser: Sami Gillette
Rotarian Adviser: Darcee Grivel
Locke Hill Elementary
Sponsoring Club: RC of San Antonio Oak Hills
Rotarian Advisor: Ken Donoughue
Salado Elementary
Sponsoring Club: RC of San Antonio South
Advisor: Rosie Ramirez
San Marcos Academy
Sponsoring Club: RC of San Marcos
Advisor: Gregory Ross
The Winston School San Antonio
San Antonio, Texas
Sponsoring Club: RC of San Antonio North Central
Faculty Adviser: Carrie Clewett
Rotarian Adviser: Mike Canales
Travis Elementary
Sponsoring Club: RC of San Marcos
Advisor: Ben Duncan
Van Raub Elementary
Sponsoring Club: RC of Fair Oaks Ranch 
Advisor Sarah Villarreal
Rotarian Adviser: Jennifer Larkin Johnson

District 5840 EarlyAct Chair: Darcee Grivel

Phone: 210-367-5549