Membership Club Resources

Strong membership enables your club to do good in your local community and around the world. A strong membership also raises the public’s awareness of Rotary and increases support for The Rotary Foundation and its programs. Building membership is a top priority throughout Rotary, from the RI Board and Rotary coordinators to district leaders. Focusing on membership is most important, however, for club leaders, because they have the greatest power to improve it.

Find ideas to help your club take a fresh approach with these resources:

How strong is your club?

Assess your club regularly to learn what works and what doesn't. Do your members reflect the range of professions and cultures in your community? Are you achieving your club’s goals? What qualities make your club attractive to new members?

Use the Membership Satisfaction Survey to identify your members' needs. Find more ideas for evaluating your club in Strengthening Your Membership: Creating Your Membership Development Plan.

Resources to Support Your Club’s New Member Engagement Strategies: